Last week we looked at three myths about how a church moves from average to excellence. This week I want to zero in on a definition for Average.
Average is: The best of the Worst and the Worst of the best. That may seem a little harsh but it may just rise to the level of scripture in the book of Revelation 3: 16 when Jesus addressed the Loadiceans as “Lukewarm”.
Lukewarm and average have a great deal in common. Average gets the job done at the lowest level of commitment necessary. My father in law was my pastor for a number of years. He had a motto that he wanted printed on our weekly newsletters. That motto read: “God’s business is the most important business in town.”
Maybe that motto would be a good measure of whether a church is moving beyond the “average” label. Once a community can see that a church is passionate about it’s mission, they begin to take note that it is a different kind of church. Not an average one.
The key to moving beyond average is easier than it may sound. When climbing a stair case you focus on the next step. Raising our level of performance one step up. That one step up will move us to above average. That is a huge step up. Invite God speak to your heart about taking the next step at Grace.
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